Conflict and interests policy


A sample policy for identifying and managing conflicts of interest in a board situation - suitable for a range of New Zealand business types where there will be Board members with different background interests.


Data protection policy


Comprehensive policy to publicise your compliance with legal obligations of the New Zealand data protection policy and spell out to staff, how you and they will use all data.


Drug and alcohol misuse policy


Comprehensive drugs and alcohol policy which aids compliance with New Zealand health and safety legislation as well as acting as a warning to employees about the consequences of drug and alcohol misuse.


Equal opportunities and non harassment policy


Comprehensive guidance covering company policy and employee obligations with sexual harassment spelled out. Helps protect you from tribunal claims arising from discrimination and sexual harassment. Complies with relevant New Zealand legislation.


IT & computer use policy: e-mail, Internet and communications


A computer and email policy with 40 paragraphs of down-to-earth common sense to protect your business. Complies with relevant New Zealand legislation.


No smoking policy


A comprehensive Non-Smoking Policy designed to integrate lasting effects in the workplace. Aids in compliance with New Zealand health and safety legislation as well as promoting a healthier work environment.


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