Complaint starting disciplinary procedure: letter to employee


Letter to an employee (after their first formal written warning) to instigate the start of your organisation's disciplinary procedure. Aids compliance with New Zealand employment legislation.


Employee warning letter: breach of IT policy


Letter to an employee (after their first formal written warning) to instigate the start of your organisation's disciplinary procedure. Complies with New Zealand employemnt law.


Employee warning letter: breach of health and safety


Official warning letter stating the worker has breached New Zealand health and safety standards. Written as a formal letter, but can be adapted to be less formal if required. Suitable for all workers, not just in the construction industry.


Employee warning letter: inadequate work


Letter to an employee confirming their redundancy. Provisions to add you own relevant and unique reasons, with notes and guidance on how to do this so that you comply with relevant New Zealand legislation.


Employee warning letter: late arrival or bad attitude


Official warning letter stating the worker has continuously arrived late and has had a bad attitude. Includes space to add specific examples to support your argument. New Zealand focused.


Employee warning letter: racial discrimination or harassment


Formal letter to be provided to the employee after internal disciplinary procedures have been exhausted. Complies with relevant New Zealand legislation.


Employee warning letter: sexual harassment


Letter to an employee confirming their dismissal. Provisions to add you own relevant and unique reasons, with notes and guidance on how to do this so that you comply with relevant New Zealand legislation.


Letter to employee: notification of disciplinary hearing


Formal letter to be provided to the employee after internal disciplinary procedures have been exhausted. New Zealand focused.


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